Thursday, October 15, 2009

WHCC Rocked the Global Beats Stage at the Javit Center in NYC October 2009

For Immediate Release:

Real Travelers Show They are Ready to Get Away

The first major travel show leading into 2010, Adventures in Travel Expo, took place this past weekend in New York City and sent a definitive message that travelers are still buying trips!

Destinations, tour operators and private sector travel providers had one question on their mind prior to show. Will travelers come out to find and book a vacation? The resounding message was “yes” with two key elements to their booking decisions – “value and authenticity.” They want to ensure they are getting great value as they spend their travel dollars, but aren’t willing to sacrifice any of the authentic aspects of their travel experience. In short – they are looking for it all!

“It is a very positive sign for the travel and tourism industry when you see thousands of qualified travelers paying to attend our event to find and book their next trip”, said John Golicz , CEO of Unicomm, organizers of Adventures in Travel Expo and Los Angeles Times Travel and Adventure Show. “As we begin our 2010 show series across the United States – it is clear that travel providers can reap big rewards by meeting qualified travelers face to face.”

Over 10,100 people attended the New York Adventures in Travel Expo this past weekend, including over 1,000 registered travel agents and press. From Europe to Asia, from the Caribbean to Latin America, hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of travel experts interacted with steady high demographic attendees all weekend.

Both returning and new exhibitors were eager to share their views of the event. Overall there was a sense of optimism seeing the audience ATE attracted over the holiday weekend.

“This is our first consumer event in quite some time – and we couldn’t be more pleased with the results this weekend”, said Paul Williams of VBT Bicycling Vacations. “Our team was busy all weekend answering very specific questions from attendees – many of whom were planning tour dates right at our booth. An added bonus was having many solo travelers approach our booth which is a significant growth area for VBT.

“This show was great!” commented Miguel Jeronimo of Brazil . “We had lots of journalists and trade, and the turnout has been fantastic. We're on the radar because of Rio and the Olympics, and there is a lot of interest. Overall, the experience has been very positive.”

A heavy on-site media presence included Fox 5 television which broadcasted live from the expo show floor on Friday morning from 5am -10am to preview the show. Destinations including Brazil , Italy , Costa Rica and Maui were interviewed by Fox 5 TV's Mike Woods and described what was unique about each destination.

Highlights of the show included:

-- The Italian Government Tourism Board’s mobile interactive display brought scores of travel agents throngs of educated travelers to hear their message.

-- The Event’s Global Beats Stage rocked with over 18 cultural performances over two days with standing room only crowds.

-- The National Geographic Adventure Theater and the Destination Theater saw over three thousand attendees listen to over two dozen Travel Luminaries

and World Explorers including: Arthur Frommer, Patricia Schultz, Jon Bowermaster, Holly Morris, and Tony Wheeler.

“ New York was our twenty-third production of the Adventures in Travel Expo series over the past six years,” added Golicz. “It is very satisfying to see the industry embrace our events as not only the leading travel shows in the USA but also the most professionally organized and consistently well attended events. Clearly these events provide travel marketers the ability to reach influential, high caliber, well educated travelers who are booking travel right now!”

Upcoming events include Adventures in Travel Expo Chicago, January 9-10, 2010 ; Washington D.C. , March 6-7, 2010 and the Los Angeles Times Travel & Adventure Show, February 13-14, 2010